Experimental infecting method of infectious serositis on duck
Experimental infecting method of infectious serositis on duck
The infectious serositis was transmitted to duck by Pasteurella anatipestifer through 4 paths:trachea, abdominal cavity, crop and web. The most effective path is foot web and the suitable experimental infectious dose of bacteria is 4.5×108~6×108 cfu.
The infectious serositis was transmitted to duck by Pasteurella anatipestifer through 4 paths:trachea, abdominal cavity, crop and web. The most effective path is foot web and the suitable experimental infectious dose of bacteria is 4.5×108~6×108 cfu.
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5[5]longer duration of clinical signs and typical pathological changes, it is optimal to pathological experiment.
6[6]Furthermore, fresh or rejuvenescent bacteria liquid is necessary to guarantee experimental infection successfully.According to our repeated testing, bacteria's activity will drop about 50% after 14 days' preservation at 4 ℃ and the activity will lose completely after 26 days.
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