以我国浙江、江苏、山东三省沿海陆域和海岛酸性母岩风化物上发育的 8个土壤剖面为对象 ,以海岛和陆域同纬度方向比较研究海陆不同生境下发育的土壤基本属性 ,阐明陆域和海岛土壤在同纬度同类型母质上发育程度的差异。结果表明 :海岛土壤pH值、盐基饱和度、粉粘比、粘粒的硅铝率和硅铁铝率比同纬度相邻陆域土壤高 ,土体红化率、粘化率比相邻陆域土壤低 ;海岛土壤区别于陆域土壤的最明显特征是其具有复盐基作用 ;成土过程的强度均是在海岛低于同纬度相邻的陆域土壤。
The differences of main properties of the soils between islands and the of coast mainland in Eastern China were studied through eight typical profiles from Zhejiang,Jiangsu and Shandong provinces. The soils are derived from the acid parent rocks. The results showed that pH, BS%, Silt/Clay, SiO 2/Al 2O 3 and SiO 2/R 2O 3 in island soils were higher than those in the coast mainland soils, while Redness Rating(RR) and Clayization Ratio in island soils were lower than those in the coast mainland soils with the same latitude. The soils of islands are characterized by rebasification, which makes it great difference from the soils of mainland. The intensity of pedogenic processes is weaker in island than in mainland with the same latitude.
Acta Pedologica Sinica