国际能源问题,尤其是中国在国际能源的政治与经济互动的过程中所面临的态势,长期影响中国的经济和社会发展、环境保护以及由此而伴生的时外战略和对外政策选择。伊拉克战争又一次提醒人们深入研究国际能源政治经济的变化与中国的利益的重要性。 中国人民大学经过一年多的论证和筹备,于今年4月8日成立了国际能源战略研究中心。国际关系学院借研究中心成立之机,举办了题为“伊拉克战争与国际能源问题”
It America controls the oil of Iraq. it may change the situation of demand and supply of oil allover the world, thus may affect both petroleum, producing countries and consuming countries in varying degrees. As a big petroleum importing country, China pays dose attention to the changes in order to ensure its energy security. Chinese specialists have pointed out the direction for China's energy strategy research, which includes how to evaluate the consumption of energy in China, what factors threaten China's import of energy, what kind of opportunity exists in cooperation with other countries in energy field, how to improve the domestic energy supply system, and how to take precautions on the risk caused by the fluctuation of oil market.
China Petroleum Enterprise