采用正交设计研究影响沙漠玫瑰试管苗生根的复合因素,找到了有效的沙漠玫瑰组培苗的生根培养基。结果表明:尽管无任何激素的MS基本培养基能诱导生根,但主要形成须根系。附加生长素类激素IBA生根效果明显提高。理想的培养基是:1/2MS+IBA0.5μmol/L。15 d开始出根,45 d形成完整根系,生根率75%,几乎无愈伤组织;每苗出根6~7条,根长3~10 cm。由生根所需时间、生根率、愈伤组织的多少、根的生长速度组合成的统计数据表明,不同浓度的含盐量与IBA组成的培养基差异不显著,但交互作用显著。
An efficient medium for rooting of Adenium obesum from micro-propagation shoots was developed using the orthogonal design. Although basal MS medium without auxins was able to induce fibrous roots, the rooting frequency improved significant with the addition of indolebutyric acid (IBA). The best rooting medium was 1/2 MS with 0. 5 μmol/L IBA,on which over 75% of the shoots developed roots. Data of rooting time, rooting frequency, growth rate, callus formation and root length were analyzed. It took about 15 days to initiate rooting with no callus formed. Root system development was completed in about 45 days. Each plant developed 6 to 7 roots from 3 cm to 10 cm in length. The effects of concentration of salt and IBA were not significantly different but the interaction was significant.
Journal of Hubei Agricultural College