目的 :研究足底泵在髋臼骨折术后 ,预防深静脉血栓形成的效果。方法 :将 6 2例髋臼骨折患者 ,随机分成治疗组 (42例 )、对照组 (2 0例 ) ,4均采用彩色多普勒血流超声显像仪观察手术后股静脉的形态及血流情况。结果 :深静脉血栓的发生率 ,治疗组为 2 1% ,对照组为 5 5 %。结论 :足底泵可有效减少髋臼骨折术后深静脉血栓形成的发生率 (P=0 .0 0 8) 。
Objective To study the effect of a foot sole pump for the prevention of deep vein thrombsis (DVT) after hip surgery procedures. Methods 62 cases of hip fracture were radomly divided into control and treatment group. The blood flow and morphologyof the femoral were sudy by doppler ultrasound examination. Results The incidence of DVT was 55 % in the control group and 21 % in the treatment group. Conclusion The foot sole pump can significantly reduce the incidence of DVT (P=0.008) and there is no any side effect at all from it use.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques