
印度改良木豆品种栽培技术研究初报 被引量:4

A Preliminary Study on Cultivating Techniques of Indian Improve Pigeon Pea
摘要 对印度改良木豆品种的栽培技术进行初步研究表明 ,①以食用为目的的木豆栽培技术主要为 :当日平均温度稳定通过 15℃时播种 ,一般采用直播 ;种植密度为 6 0 0 0~ 12 0 0 0株 hm2 ,宽行窄株种植 ;施肥量为N 4 5kg hm2 、P2 O54 5kg hm2 、K2 O 6 0kg hm2 左右 ,并配合喷施B、Mo等微量元素 ;加强病虫害防治 ,特别是虫害 ;及时分批收获等。②以饲用或肥用为目的的木豆与以食用为目的的木豆比较 ,在栽培技术上要增加密度和用肥量 ,一般种植密度为 15 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 0 0株 hm2 ,用肥量为N 12 0kg hm2 、P2 O56 0kg hm2 、K2 O 12 0kg hm2 左右 ,此外每年应刈割 2次 ,刈割高度为 10 0cm ,第 1次在第 1批荚鲜食期 ,第 2次在 11月中下旬。③木豆的越冬应整株不修剪 ,并采取盖草护蔸和盖膜保温等措施 ,开春后应早管理。 The preliminary study on cultivating techniques of Indian improved pigeon pea conducted and the results showed: ⑴The cultivating techniques for the edible pigeon pea include followings: Sowing when the day average temperature is stably above 15℃ and the direct sowing method should be adopted; the panting density should be 6,000~12,000 plants/hm 2 with the wide row space and narrow plant space; the rate of N,P_2O_5 and K_2O is 45 kg/hm 2,45 kg/hm 2 and 60 kg/hm 2,respectively,combined with spraying micro-element fertilizers such as B and Mo fertilizers; the control of disease and pest,especially pest,should be strengthened; in additional,timely harvest group by group is also important to edible pigeon pea planting.⑵ For forage and green manure pigeon pea,the plant density and application rate should be enhanced on the cultivating techniques ,compared with for the edible one. The planting density is generally 15,000~20,000 plants/hm 2. The rate of N,P_2O_5 and K_2O is 120 kg/hm 2,60 kg/hm 2 and 120 kg/hm 2,respectively. Moreover,it should be mowed two times per year. The first time is done at stage while first group pod can be eaten as fresh vegetable,the second time is done in middle or last ten days of November.⑶Regardless the pigeon pea as edible or as forage and green manure,pruning shouldn't be done during the winter and the soil around the plant should be mulched with straw or plants covered with plastic film. When the second year's spring come,some management measures should be done as early as possible.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2003年第2期6-9,42,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 农业部"948"项目
关键词 印度 品种改良 木豆 栽培技术 播种期 生长发育 Pigeon pea Improved varieties Cultivating techniques
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