The idea of taking-over from abroad whatever is useful to China,which was advanced by Lu Xun in 1934 was an original idea, not a footnote to Mao Zedong's theory of 'critical inheritance' of 1940, as some people suggested. Not mincing the matter that Lu Xun called for 'taking over everything never mind what happens', the author points out the background of Lu Xun's criticism of the conservative insistence that western learning can only serve Chinese learning, which is the foundation, and praises Lu Xun's purpose of using advanced foreign learning as a weapon to strike at the nerve centre of China's feudalistic society and compel Chinese to make deepgoing self-examination and self-criticism. A true understanding of Lu Xun's take-over-ism will help us, while opening to the outside world, learn from the spiritual fruit of foreign cultures and not only import their material creations.
Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition