综述的撰写是护理专业大学生毕业考核的一个重要内容。通过运用“引文分析法”中的评价指标来研究护理本科 96年级和护理专升本 99年级学生的毕业综述的引文情况 。
Writing reviews is an important item of graduation evaluation for nursing college students.Using evaluative index of “references analysis” to study on the graduation reviews written by nursing college students in two grades, it was suggested that the “references analysis” be used as the one of the tools of final evaluation in information literacy of nursing college students, and its roles and limitations was also pointed out.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
国家教育部 2 1世纪初高等教育教学改革项目 (编号B12 92 0 46)