为进一步了解深圳市南山区麻疹流行情况 ,为加速控制麻疹提供科学依据 ,对 1990~ 2 0 0 1年麻疹监测资料进行分析。结果显示 :麻疹发病以外来流动人口为主 ,占 81.9%;发病季节高峰在 3~ 6月 ,每隔 5~ 6年流行一次 ;1996~ 2 0 0 1年麻疹发病年龄主要是 <5岁儿童 ( 2 8.3 %)和 15~ 30岁成人 ( 42 .6 %)。麻疹流行的主要原因是人口流动、未免疫和未复种麻疹疫苗 (MV)人群的积聚。因此 ,加强MV初免和复种工作 ,提高接种质量、麻疹监测和流动人口的免疫覆盖率 ,开展对特定人群的免疫 ,是控制麻疹发病的有效措施.
We analyzed the surveillance data of measles from 1990 to 2001 in Nanshan District of Shenzhen for the aim of measles control.The results showed that most of the reported measles cases were floating population(81.9%).The seasonal peak appeared from March to June.The large-scale measles epidemic occurred every 5-6 years.During 1990-2001,age of measles cases focused in children under 5 years of age (28.3%) and in adults 15-30 years of age (42.6%).No vaccination and no revaccination were the main reasons of measles epidemic.So,that basic immunization and revaccination must be strengthened and vaccination quality must be improved.Effective strategies for measles control include strengthing measles surveillance system,improving the immunization coverage rate in floating population and developing mass vaccination and so on.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization