本研究以赣州市会昌县某实际超限高层办公楼为例,结合基于性能的抗震设计理论和方法,根据建筑物和结构的重要性等要求合理确定结构的性能目标及各构件在各设防水准下的性能水准,使用大型的有限元分析软件PKPM和Midas Building去进行小震弹性、中震弹性和中震不屈服、大震弹塑性分析,对于本工程中超限情况进行专项分析(如楼板应力分析、立面刚度分析等),观察超限结构是否明显存在薄弱层以及薄弱部位,对薄弱的部位采取针对性措施以确保结构在各设防水准作用下满足预期的性能目标。
Based on an actual high-rise office building in Ganzhou City,Huichang County as an example,combined with the seismic design theory and method based on the performance, reasonably determine the performance level of the target structure and performance of each component in the fortification level according to the importance of buildings and structures and other requirements,using large-scale finite element analysis software PKPM and Midas to Building small earthquake,earthquake and earthquake elastic yield,the elastic-plastic analysis and special analysis for this project in the overrun( such as slab stress analysis,vertical stiffness analysis etc.),observe whether the obvious transfinite structure,weak layer and weak parts,take specific measures to ensure that the structure satisfies the desired performance objectives in the fortification level under the weak position.
Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University(Natural Sciences)