介绍了液化天然气 (LNG)的一般商业性质和在国际上的应用情况 ,对我国LNG的应用现状进行了分析 ,认为我国LNG的应用虽然刚刚起步 ,但以西气东输管道工程建设和缺乏清洁能源的沿海地区正在规划或建设大型LNG接收站为标志 ,我国应用天然气的步伐是比较快的。鉴于LNG自身及其在众多领域里的重要作用 ,对我国近期内LNG的发展和应用提出了几点设想。
The common commereial characteristics liquefied natural gas(LNG)and the util ization of NGL in the world are introduced.The status quo of utilization of LNG in China is also intr oduced.It is considered that although China begins to start on a journey in utilizing LNG,the fast step can be seen on the way on the globaI stage in LNG utilization,which contributes to the mass construction of W est to East Gas Pipeline Proj ect and the construction of larger LNG receiving plant planed or being prop osed in coastal provinces due to a lack of clean energy.In view of the important role of LNG in many fiel ds,the author presents suggestions to develop and utilize LNG in coming year in China.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation