目的:探讨康复护理干预对风湿性心脏病瓣膜置换术患者术后的临床影响。方法:收集2017年1月-2018年5月我院90例风湿性心脏病瓣膜置换术患者,随机分组,对照组予基础干预,实验组予康复护理干预。比较两组风湿性心脏病瓣膜置换术患者满意率;排气恢复时间、可自理时间、术后进食时间、住院时间和相关费用;护理前后患者心功能等级。结果:实验组风湿性心脏病瓣膜置换术患者满意率高于对照组,P <0.05;实验组排气恢复时间、可自理时间、术后进食时间、住院时间和相关费用优于对照组,P <0.05;护理前两组心功能等级相似,P> 0.05;护理后实验组心功能等级优于对照组,P <0.05。结论:康复护理干预在风湿性心脏病瓣膜置换术护理中的干预结果确切,可改善患者心功能,加速患者术后康复,减少医疗费用,提高满意度。
Objective To investigate the clinical effects of rehabilitation nursing intervention on patients with rheumatic heart valve replacement.Methods: from January 2017 to May 2018, 90 patients with rheumatic heart valve replacement were collected, randomly grouped into control groups for basic intervention and experimental groups for rehabilitation nursing intervention. The satisfaction rate of patients with rheumatic heart valve replacement was compared between two groups. Exhaust recovery time, self-care time, postoperative feeding time, hospitalization time and related expenses;Cardiac function grade of patients before and after nursing. Results: The satisfaction rate of patients with rheumatic heart valve replacement was higher than that of control group, P 0.05. Exhaust recovery time, self-care time, postoperative feeding time, hospitalization time and related expenses in the experimental group were better than those in the control group, P 0.05;The levels of cardiac function in the first two groups of nursing were similar, P > 0.05;The functional grade of the heart of the nursing group was better than that of the control group, P0.05. Conclusion: the results of rehabilitation nursing intervention in rheumatic heart valve replacement care are accurate, which can improve cardiac function, accelerate postoperative rehabilitation, reduce medical expenses and improve satisfaction.
Wuxiaoxuan(qilu hospital care Ward, Shandong province, JiNan 250012)
rehabilitation nursing intervention
Rheumatic heart valve replacement
Clinical impact