本文根据鲁道夫·史代纳所提出的三元教育观及其华德福教育模式和勒温的理论 ,强调了第四元概念———主体性的学习者 ,提出了家庭—社会—学校—学生四元情感教育模式。论及学校情感教育 ,本文提出 :有必要设立独立的情感教育课程 ,设立专职情感教师岗位 ,不定期地与学生进行富于安全感的保密的个别化对话 ;应该重视挫折教育对情感的韧性即意志力的培养作用 ,使得情感对于外界的依赖程度降低。
In line with the three dimensional point of view of education put forward by Rudolf Steiner,Waldorf mode of education and Lew1n's theory, this paper lays emphasis on the fourth concept--subjective learning, suggesting the family society school student four dimensional mode of emotional education. Speaking of the emotional education at school, this paper suggests the necessity of opening an independent subject of emotional education, setting the exclusive post for teachers of emotional education, making individualized dialogue with students at irregular intervals, imbuing them with the sense of security, and stressing the effect of adversity education on cultivating the tenacity, i.e., will power, in order to reduce the emotional dependence on the external world.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)