闻一多是我国现代诗坛新诗格律化的旗手。他以唯美的倾向和浓丽的风格创作格律化新诗 ,诗中洋溢着爱国激情和民主精神 ,充满着乐观情绪和青春活力。他的诗熔中西文化于一炉 ,情感丰富 ,语言凝炼 ,格律严谨 ,具有强烈的人民性、战斗性和时代性 。
Wen Yiduo is a standard bearer of the rhythmization of new poems in the cycle of modern Chinese poets. He created rhythmized new poems with the aesthetic inclination and gorgeous style. His poems are permeated with patriotic passion and democratic spirit, full of optimistic morale and youthful vitality. Combining the Chinese culture with western culture, his poems are characterized by rich feelings, compact language and rigid rhythm, and imbued with strong feelings of the people, militancy, and the spirit of the age, and rich in profound aesthetic values.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)