针对传统历史教学手段单一带来的机械性学习问题 ,本文提出要实现信息技术与历史教学的整合 ,开展网络环境下的历史研究性学习 ,并结合教学实际探讨了这种新的学习方式的理论基础、模式建构、评价机制与应注意避免的几个误区。
In the light of the problem of mechanic study caused by the single traditional way of teaching history, this paper suggests the integration of the IT and the teaching of history, the practice of the research type study of history under the circumstances of network. In connection with the practice of teaching, it also inquires into the theoretical basis, the construction of the method, and mechanisms of evaluation and some long standing erroneous ideas to be avoided in the new learning method.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)