介绍在南海东方1—1气四项目中使用海底光缆传输中控系统之间连锁和监控信息的方法。光纤的传输速率理论上为50 Gbit·s^(-1),是直接电缆传输速率的80万倍,特别适合“中心平台远程遥控无人小平台”这样有大量信息传送的情况。光纤的电磁绝缘性能好,非常适合与海底动力电缆复合在一起传输信息。光纤的线路损耗低,传输距离远。
Composite sub-sea fiber optic cables used to connect the center control system located on different platforms in DF 1 -1 gas field in the South China Sea. Fiber optic cable much merit for the inter-connection between center control system of platforms, such as communicating at speeds of 50 Gbps, no electromagnetic interference and long distances between regenerator. This paper introduces the typical usage of fiber cable between CCSs based on the project experience of DF 1-1 gas field application.