目的 :研究内镜下卢戈液染色诊断早期食管癌的临床可行性。方法 :16 8例患者经内镜下喷洒卢戈氏液对食管粘膜染色后观察 ,并取不染区组织进行病理检查。结果 :16 8例患者中有 12 3例食管粘膜呈不规则片状不染或着色不良 ,经病理检查发现食管鳞癌 16例 ,腺癌 4例 ,各种程度的不典型增生 5 2例 ,不同程度的炎症 5 1例。正常着色者 2 5例 ,深染者 14例与散在小点状着色不良者 6例中病理结果为轻度慢性炎症 35例 ,未见明显异常者 10例。结论
Aim:To explore the clinical feasibility of Lugol's iodine staining for diagnosis of early esophageal cancer through endoscopy. Methods:Lugol's iodine was sprayed on the esophageal mucosa from 168 cases through endoscopy, and multiple biopsies were taken for pathology detection from unstained areas. Results:In 123 cases of unstained mucosa as irregular area revealed 16 squamous carcinomas, 4 adenocarcinomas, 52 different level dysplasias and 51 inflammations. Among the cases of 25 normal stained, 14 strong stained, 6 scattering points dystained, there were 35 slight chronic inflammations and 10 normals. Conclusion:Lugol's iodine endoscopic staining is useful for raising the diagnostic rate of early esophageal cancer and precancerous lesion.
Journal of Zhengzhou University(Medical Sciences)