音乐批评的功能是帮助听众、启发听众去感悟音乐 ;揭示作曲家音响符号系统运用的成败 ;评判表演者对作品的诠释与再创造。音乐评论面对不同读者 ,有不同侧重 ,其意义具有多重性。音乐批评包涵艺术批评、社会批评与哲学批评 ,不仅涉及音乐本身 ,还要涉及社会、历史、政治、文化。
The function of musical criticism is to help and inspire listeners to experience the music, to delineate the success or failure on the sound affects from the notes written by the composer, and to comment on annotation and recreating of the works demonstrated by the performer. Faces with different readers the musical criticism should make a due particular attention with many-sided senses. Musical criticism contains art criticism, social criticism and philosophy criticism, which deals not only with the music itself, but also with society, history, politics, culture and aesthetic thought.
Journal of Guizhou University Art Edition