《韵》———为竹笛、笙、二胡、古筝而作 ,是崔文玉于 1986年创作的一部民乐四重奏。作品试图将古老的民族乐器、传统的文化特质、单纯的民歌动机与现代作曲技法作一种“化合” ,以体现当代人对远古人类社会、自然环境及其在这种环境中形成的文化心态、气质神韵等的主体感受和内心体验。这部四重奏曾于 1988年在国内外 30 0多件征集作品中 ,被选为中国作曲家代表团出席香港国际现代音乐节及亚洲作曲家大会演出的10件入选作品之一 ,并在 1988年全国第六届音乐作品评奖中获创作奖。
Yun', a quartet for the instruments of Chinese flute, sheng, erh-hu and zither, was created by Cui Wenyu in 1986. The purpose of the music is to combine the Chinese instruments, the Chinese traditional cultural characteristics, the pure motivation of Chinese folk songs and the contemporary composing techniques. Therefore we can feel and experience the ancient human society and the natural environment, and their cultural psychology and temperamental charm. The quartet was one of the top 10 works chosen from over 300 ones collected from home and abroad and was performed at the International Modern Music Festival in Hong Kong in 1988. Cui was one of the representatives of the Chinese delegation of composers to attend the festival. 'Yun' was awarded a prize of creative work in the sixth China's musical works evaluation in 1988.
Journal of Guizhou University Art Edition