电子阅览室的建立是传统图书馆走向电子图书馆的第一步。目前电子阅览室的类型有三类 ,而最好的一类是网络环境下的多媒体电子阅览室。电子阅览室建立后应选购适当的媒体并要对其加强管理 ,同时要落实好电子阅览室的防病毒措施。此外 ,提高电子阅览室馆员的素质以及建立健全电子阅览室的规章制度是使其得以正常运行的保证。
The establishment of electronic reading room,with great significance in reality,is the first step on the way from traditional libraries to electronic ones.At present,there are three categories of electronic reading rooms,of which the best one is a multi media reading room in the age of networks.Accordingly,suitable media are purchased to adapt to the establishment of electronic reading rooms.Anti virus measures are also required.Furthermore,the improvment of quality of librarians and establishment of electronic reading rules are sure to make them work well.
Journal of Zhenjiang College