现代远程开放教育和高等职业技术教育虽然分属不同的教育类型 ,但二者并不是互相割裂、更不是互相排斥的。国际上同一所大学既办高职又办远程教育 ,或借助远程教育手段举办高职教育已有成功的实践 ,国内也出现了类似的尝试和探索。随着世界范围的高职教育和现代远程开放教育的进一步发展 ,随着我国高等教育结构和布局的进一步调整 ,随着教育资源共建共享工程的进一步推进以及教育“立交桥”的建立与完善 。
Modern open distance education and higher vocational education belong to different types of education,but they are closely related.There are successful cases in the world that these two kinds of education exist and work interactively in the same university.In China,there are also such attempts and studies.With the further adjustment of the structure of higher education in China,with the further development of the project of shared education resources,and with the construction of education'flyover',there are likely to be more and better co-operation between them.
Journal of Zhenjiang College
江苏省教育科学"十五"规划立项课题 (苏教所 [2 0 0 1] 11号 )