
计量置换模型在分子印迹聚合物色谱分离中的应用 被引量:6

Application of Stoichiometric Displacement Model for Retention to the Chromatographic Separation by Molecular Imprinting Polymer
摘要 以N叔丁氧羰酰L色氨酸为印迹分子,制备了分子印迹聚合物. 色谱评价的结果表明该聚合物对印迹分子有特异选择性的吸附作用. 依据液相色谱溶质计量置换保留模型(SDMR),分析了印迹分子与固定相和流动相分子间的相互作用机理. 发现在以异丙醇、乙腈混合液为流动相时,印迹分子与固定相吸附时覆盖的活性位点数量是其对映体的1.2倍;印迹分子失去的溶剂分子数是其对映体的1.5倍. 可以认为, 在这种条件下,分子识别作用主要是由于分子印迹聚合物中的三维孔穴结构. In the presence of template molecule of N-Boc-L-Tryptophan, molecular imprinting polymers (MIPs) were synthesized and evaluated by liquid chromatography. The results showed that the racemic N-Boc-Tryptophan was efficiently separated. Interaction of template molecule and stationary phase or mobile phase was analyzed with the stoichiometric displacement model for retention (SDM-R). It was showed that when absorption occurred between template molecule and MIPs, the molecule number of the displacing agent (isopropyl alcohol) released from the surface of the stationary phase was 1.2 fold that of its enantiomer, and the molecule number of the displacing agent released from a solute molecule was 1.5 fold that of its enantiomer. All these results indicated that the molecule recognition depended mainly on the structure between template molecule and MIPs.
出处 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期165-170,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
关键词 聚合物 分子印迹技术 液相色谱 计量置换模型 SDM—R molecular imprinting liquid chromatography stoichiometric displacement model for retention
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