
三农创业实践驱动的学术问题与研究建议 被引量:21

Academic Issues and Research Suggestions Driven by Entrepreneurship Practice in Agriculture,Rural Areas and Farmers
摘要 改革开放40年中国经济与社会发生了天翻地覆的变化,创业功不可没。乡村振兴、共享经济、社会创业、三农变化、城乡互动等众多因素共同推动涉农创业,围绕农业、农村、农民的创业活动日趋活跃。但是,不能用工业化发展的逻辑振兴乡村,三农创业也不会是城市创业的自然延伸。挖掘三农创业实践中的学术问题,大力开展三农创业研究,不仅有助于为乡村振兴、精准扶贫、三农发展等政策建设建言献策,也有助于丰富和推动国内的创业研究。基于三农创业所展现出的活跃性和独特性,作者指出机会在未被充分利用的三农独特资源中孕育,资源、创业者等基本创业要素也正不断向三农集聚,呼吁学术界重视三农创业的研究工作。进一步地,文章从三农资源、企业家精神等角度切入,初步探讨了三农创业领域中可能具有学术价值的研究议题。最后,文章从三农创业实践出发,对三农创业的研究视野、研究情境、研究范围、研究层次和研究方法等应注意的问题提出了建议。 In the past 40 years since the reform and opening up,China’s economy and society have undergone tremendous changes,and entrepreneurship makes a crucial contribution to it.M any factors,including rural revitalization,the sharing economy,social entrepreneurship,changes in agriculture,rural areas and farmers,and interaction between urban and rural areas,are working together to promote agriculture-related entrepreneurship.However,the logic of industrial development cannot be used to revitalize the rural,and entrepreneurship in agriculture,rural areas and farmers will not be a natural extension of urban entrepreneurship.The exploration of academic issues and the research vigorously carried out in the entrepreneurship practice of agriculture,rural areas and farmers will not only contribute to offering advice and suggestions for the rural revitalization,targeted poverty alleviation,rural development and other policy construction,but also help enrich and promote the entrepreneurship research in China.Based on the activity and uniqueness of entrepreneurship in agriculture,rural areas and farmers,this paper points out that opportunities are nurtured in the underutilized unique resources of agriculture,rural areas and farmers,and that capital begins to flowback to the rural,and the number of entrepreneurs in agriculture,rural areas and farmers keeps growing.Therefore,the basic elements of entrepreneurship,such as opportunities,resources and entrepreneurs,are constantly gathering in agriculture,rural areas and farmers.All of those are appealing to the academia to pay attention to the research work of entrepreneurship in agriculture,rural areas and farmers.Further,this paper preliminarily discusses the research topics that may have academic value in the field from the perspectives of resources and entrepreneurship.This paper also argues that agriculture,rural areas and farmers should redefine their resources,explore their values and find newentrepreneurial opportunities so as to better adapt to the newchanges in the digital era and cope with newchallenges under the newdevelopment logic.In addition,entrepreneurship in agriculture,rural areas and farmers is of great significance to the stimulation of entrepreneurship and the transformation of rural labor capital.Therefore,the participation of different groups in entrepreneurship in agriculture,rural areas and farmers is worth long-term follow-up study.Finally,starting from the practice of entrepreneurship in agriculture,rural areas and farmers,this paper puts forward some suggestions on the research field,research context,research scope,research level and research methods of entrepreneurship in agriculture,rural areas and farmers.
作者 张玉利 冯潇 Zhang Yuli;Feng Xiao
机构地区 南开大学商学院
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期72-82,共11页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金专项立项课题“新时代激发和保护企业家精神的关键机制与践行对策研究”(18VSJ085)
关键词 三农创业 学术问题 资源 企业家精神 Entrepreneurship in Agriculture Rural Areas and Farmers Academic Issues Resources Entrepreneurship
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