

Preliminary Report of the 2001 Excavations Conducted at Yunyang Lijiaba Site
摘要 李家坝遗址位于重庆市云阳县高阳镇青树村,是三峡工程淹没及迁建区地下文物保护抢救规划的A级项目,1997-2003年,四川大学考古学系等单位连续7个年度在此开展大规模发掘。2001年度发掘总面积6350平方米,集中在遗址Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区。其中Ⅰ区清理出一批汉六朝时期遗存,包括房址、灰坑、灰沟、土坑墓等,布局清楚,尤其11座房址规模大、形制颇具特点,是李家坝遗址自1997年以来最为重要的发现之一。衣年度在遗址Ⅰ区发掘所获资料,以汉六朝时期遗存为主,表明临小江(澎溪河)的区域,应为汉六朝时期聚落的中心所在,由于人类活动频繁,对早期遗存的破坏较为严重。1997年以来,李家坝遗址发现较多的汉六朝时期遗存,包括灰坑、灰沟、陶窑、墓葬及数量较多的各类遗物等,在遗址周边多处地点也清理了汉六朝时期的墓地,但房屋建筑的情况一直不够清楚,本年度发现并清理的11座汉六朝时期房址,在相当程度上弥补了这一缺憾,使得汉六朝聚落的整体面貌更加清晰。 The site of Lijiaba is located in Qingshu Village,Gaoyang Town,Yunyang County,Chongqing City.It is a Grade A project of the subterranean cultural relics protection and rescue plan of the Three Gorges Flooding and Relocation Project.From 1997 to 2003,the Department of Archaeology of Sichuan University conducted a large-scale excavation project.In 2001,an area of 6,350m2 was excavated which consisted of two parts,Areas I and II.In Area I,remains from the Han and Six Dynasties periods were discovered,including building remains,ash pits,ash ditches,and earth pits which have been partially excavated.Among them,11 buildings were especially large and of peculiar shape,making them the most important discovery of the 1997 excavations at Lijiaba.Most of the materials excavated in Area I in 2001 dated to the Han and Six Dynasties periods,indicating that the region near the xiaojiang River(pengxi River)was a settlement center of that period.Due to intensive human activities in this area,earlier remains have been heavily disturbed.Since 1997,a large number of further Han and Six Dynasties periods remains have been discovered,including ash pits,ash gullies,ceramic kilns,graves,and a considerable number of all types of objects.In the vicinity of the settlement site,a cemetery of Han and Six Dynasties periods has been excavated,but the house structures long remained unclear.The 11 Han and Six Dynasties periods houses excavated in 2001 have filled this lacuna and have made the settlement structure of this period clearer.
作者 四川大学考古学系 云阳县文物管理所 赵德云 何元洪 代丽鹃 陈昀 白彬 Department of Archaeology,Sichuan University;Administration of Cultural Relics of Yunyang County,Chongqing
机构地区 不详
出处 《南方民族考古》 2016年第2期91-126,共36页 Southern Ethnology and Archaeology
关键词 李家坝遗址 汉六朝时期 房址 聚落 Lijiaba Site Han and Six Dynasties Periods Dwellings Settlement
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