根据联勤保障的要求 ,总结概括了医院做好联勤医疗保障的主要实践做法 :注重职能教育 ,强化联勤保障思想 ;开展优质服务 ,提高联勤保障质量 ;落实帮带措施 ,增强联勤保障效能 ;注重人才培养 ,提高联勤保障能力 ;加强设施设备建设 。
This paper, according to the request of joint support, put forward the major ways of joint support medical guarantee based on reality: emphasizing professional education, improving joint support efficiency; To ensure high-quality service and upgrade joint support quality, to carry out assisting system and intensify the joint support efficiency. We should also pay attention to the cultivation of talents, upgrading the capability of joint support. More emphasis should be paid to the construction of instruments and equipment, improving the joint support condition.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army