医院规划建设是医院发展建设的顶层设计 ,直接关系到医院发展建设的统筹性、协调性以及可持续性 ,对提高发展效率、避免建设浪费、有效配置资源、加快发展速度有着现实指导意义。本文就军队医院规划建设的步骤、项目、内容和规划建设要则进行了探讨 ,并就如何进一步提高军队医院规划建设质量 。
Construction of hospital plan is the top design in hospital development, it related to the harmonious and continuous development of hospital, it has significance in enhancing efficiency of development, avoiding waste in construction, allocating resources effectively. The author discussed in this article on the step, item, content and key point in construction of plan, and how to improve the quality of construction and how to enhance the consciousness of law and integration.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army