为探索新时期军事战略方针和未来军事斗争准备中二炮队属医院如何与二炮部队担负的任务相适应 ,实现队属医院与部队整体建设同步的发展 ,结合二炮队属医院保障对象的特殊性 ,提出医院建设必须采取重点建设、强化建设、专项建设的方式 ,增大上级启动投入 ,有重点、有目的、走优势特色学科建院之路 。
The author probed into issue on how team affiliated hospital adapt troops' mission in future war preparedness and under military strategy in new era, and achieve the development of hospital with overall construction of troops. According to the particularity of supporting object, the author put forward measures as way of key construction, strengthening construction, special item construction, increasing investment, building hospital with characteristics, emphasis and goal, adopting strategy of sorting guidance and emphasis support.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army