研究中国加入WTO以后 ,经济结构调整所造成的就业结构问题 ,分析了加入WTO对中国劳动力就业的短期、长期影响。提出在短期内 ,尽管就业总量不是很大 ,但结构性矛盾仍会增加 ;从长期看 ,第一产业就业机会将锐减 ;第二产业相关行业将有调整 ,第三产业将迎来发展机遇 ,就业机会将大量增加。
This essay focuses on the employment structural problems caused by the adjustment of economical structures with China's accession to WTO and analyzes both the short-term and long-term impacts on the employment of China's labor forces.It also indicates that in a short period, the structural contradiction will increase though the total amount of employment will be not great;and that in a long period,chances in the first industry will greatly decrease,the relative businesses in the second industry will be adjusted, and the job opportunities in the third industry will be increasing and the total amount of employment will increase as well.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition)