“白狼水东”是地域古称 ,泛指现在大凌河上游牛亡牛河以东流域 ,笔者认为是现在阜新一带。由于近十年来 ,辽代和契丹族历史与考古多有新发现 ,对此有些至今未见研究论述。笔者简单介绍了近期有关白狼水东辽代及契丹族文化研究的10项考古发现及研究情况 ,目的是为学术界所了解 。
The east of the Bailang river is an ancient name of a region,including the east river basin of Daling river.The author thinks it is Fuxin region today.In recently ten years,there are a lot of archaeological discoveries about Liao and Qidan history and many reseach achievement have not been published.The author introduces ten new archaeological discoveries about Liao and Qidan culture of the east of the Bailang river,gives some standpoint in order to supply some reference about Liao and Qidan for further research .
Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition)