本文介绍了转炉倾动力矩计算的计算机模型、计算方法及转炉倾动的动态模拟。在解决铁水流体计算时采用了铁水与渣液分别求解法 ,通过设定出钢点使计算值与实际操作更加接近。对炉体建模采用了复合形回转体叠加方法———独特的三角形分割逼近法来计算炉壳的参数等 ,计算结果准确、可信。
The paper described a method of converter modeling, tilting moment analysis and dynamic simulation. The flow calculation of liquid iron is solved with liquid iron and slag seperately by setting a tapping point and the calcuted results much more meat the practical operation. For the converter modeling method, the converter is taken as a gyrorotor with complex sections which are disintegrated into numbers of tziangles to obtain the calculation of the converter shell parameters. The calcutated results are accurate.
Heavy Machinery