本文用实验方法对新月形射孔空气涡流器的性能进行了估价,其综合气动性能优于相同外径的圆形射孔空气涡流器。研究了新月形的几何形状、射流角β对空气涡流器性能的影响。给出了几何相似的新月形射孔空气涡流器的气动特性。 对圆形射孔间孔距对空气涡流器的影响进行了试验研究。给出了前倾射流角γ的影响的试验数据。 在高速情况下(M_∞=0.34—0.45)测得的空气涡流器特性与低速情况下相同,这对于空气涡流器在进气道内应用具有重要意义。
The performance level of air vortex generator (AVG) with crescent jet orifice whose synthetic aerodynamic performance is better than that of the round jet orifice AVG has been evaluated experimentally. The influence of the geometry of crescent and the injection angle β on the perfomance of the AVG is examined. The aerodynamic performance of the AVG with geometrically analogous crescent jet orifice is presented.An experimental investigation of the influence of the space of a multiple round jet has been also conducted. This paper presents the experimental data about the factor of the forward inclination angle y.The measured performance of the AVG under high velocity conditions (M∞=0.34-0.45) is the same as that of the AVG under low velocity conditions, which is important for the application of AVG to an intake diffuser.
Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics