
超铀元素的溶解度研究进展 被引量:2

The Progess of Solubility Study of Transuranium Elements
摘要 研究了与放射性废物处置库近场和远场条件密切相关的超铀元素化合物的的溶解度问题 ,着重讨论了地下水的 p H、CO2 - 3浓度、离子强度、有机物、温度、固相形态、辐射诱导效应与陈化效应对超铀元素化合物溶解度的影响。 The solubility of the compounds of transuranium elements closely related to the conditions of near and far field of disposal repositories of radioactive waste is discussed in this paper .The stress is put on the effects on the solubility of pH,CO 2- 3 concentration,ionic strength,organic material,temperature,the from of solid states,radiation induction and aging.
出处 《辐射防护通讯》 2003年第2期10-14,共5页 Radiation Protection Bulletin
关键词 放射性废物 处置库 地下水 超铀元素 溶解度 安全评价 Transuranium element Solubility Radioactive waste Repository Groundwater
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