
水氮因子耦合对日光温室基质栽培番茄品质、产量及水氮利用率的影响 被引量:10

Influences of Water-saving and Nitrogen-reducing on Quality,Yield and Water-Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Protected Tomato
摘要 为探究日光温室基质栽培番茄适宜的水、氮管理模式,以STP-F318番茄为试材,磷、钾肥施用量固定,在生育期内设置3个滴灌水平(W1~W3分别为4 646.25 mm/hm^2、3 097.50 mm/hm^2、1 548.75 mm/hm^2)和6个氮肥梯度(F1~F6分别为572.42 kg/hm^2、542.30 kg/hm^2、512.17 kg/hm^2、482.04 kg/hm^2、451.91 kg/hm^2、0 kg/hm^2),以常规农户土栽水、氮管理(7 650.00 mm/hm^2、600.00 kg/hm^2)为对照(CK),探讨了水肥一体化条件下水氮耦合对日光温室基质栽培番茄的光合特性、品质和产量等影响。结果表明:适宜的水氮耦合能显著提高叶片SPAD值和净光合速率,其中SPAD值以W1F4处理最大,为44.83; W1F2处理净光合速率最大,为16.69μmol/s^2·m。同时,各处理显著改善番茄果实品质,Vc含量以W1F3处理最高,为30.46 mg/100 g FW,较CK增加17. 61%,与其他处理间差异显著。番茄红素含量与Vc含量变化趋势一致,为5. 21~7. 80mg/100 g FW。有机酸含量较CK有降低的趋势。W3F2、W1F1和W1F3处理糖酸比分别为8.25、8.26、8.85,口感较佳。产量以W1F2处理最高,为170 985.48 kg/hm^2,较CK增产27.73%。氮肥农学利用率(NAE)与水分利用率(WUE)分别以W1F4、W3F4处理为最高,为87.34%、96.64 kg/mm·hm^2。综合分析认为,水氮耦合利于改善番茄品质,提高番茄产量和水氮利用率,生育期内滴灌4 646.25 mm/hm^2、追施氮肥542.30 kg/hm^2是基质栽培番茄较为理想的水氮管理模式。 In order to explore the appropriate water-nitrogen management pattern for tomato substrate culture in solar greenhouse,this paper studied the effects of water and nitrogen interactions on photosynthetic properties,quality and yield of protected tomato,taking tomato cv. STP-F318 as test material,fixing the quantities of phosphate and potash fertilizer application,designing 3 drip irrigation levels( W1 ~ W3: 4 646.25 mm/hm^2,3 097.50 mm/hm^2 and 1 548.75 mm/hm^2) during growth period and 6 nitrogen fertilizer grades( F1 ~ F6: 572.42 kg/hm^2,542.30 kg/hm^2,512.17 kg/hm^2,482.04 kg/hm^2,451.91 kg/hm^2 and 0 kg/hm^2),and taking the local farmers conventional irrigation and fertilization managements( 7 650. 00 mm/hm^2,600. 00 kg/hm^2) as the contrast( CK). The results showed that suitable water-nitrogen interaction could significantly increase SPAD value and net photosynthetic rate of leaf,and leaf SPAD value was the largest under W1F4 treatment,reaching 44.83;and net photosynthetic rate was the largest,reaching 16.69 μmol/s^2·m under W1F2 treatment. Meanwhile,all the treatments had improved the fruit quality. The highest Vc content was obtained under W1F3 treatment,reaching 30.46 mg/100 g FW,which was 17.61% higher than that of the CK treatment,and there were significant differences between W1F3 treatment and the other treatments. The contents of lycopene and Vc showed the same changing trend as 5.21 ~ 7.80 mg/100 g·FW. While the contents of organic acid showed a decreasing trend compared with that of the CK treatment. The sugar-acid ratio of W3F2,W1F1,and W1 F3 treatments were 8.25,8. 26,and 8. 85,respectively,all with better tastes. As for the yield,W1F2 treatment had the highest yield of 170 985.48 kg/hm^2,27.73% higher than that of the CK. The nitrogen agronomic efficiency( NAE) and water use efficiency( WUE) were the highest under W1F4 and W3F4 treatments,respectively,reaching 87. 34% and 96. 64 kg/mm·hm^2. Comprehensive analysis deemed that water and nitrogen interaction could significantly improve tomato quality,increase its yield and water-nitrogen use efficiency. During the growth period,drip irrigation quota 4 646.25 mm/hm^2,nitrogen fertilizer amount 542.30 kg/hm^2 was the optimum management pattern of water and nitrogen fertilizer under substrate culture of tomato.
作者 刘中良 谷端银 张艳艳 焦娟 高俊杰 刘世琦 田晓飞 LIU Zhongliang;GU Duanyin;ZHANG Yanyan;JIAO Juan;GAO Junjie;LIU Shiqi;TIAN Xiaofei(Taian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shandong Taian 271000;Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Horticulture Crops(Huanghuai Region),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,College of Horticulture Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Shandong Taian 271000;College of Environment and Planning,Liaocheng University,Shandong Liaocheng 252000,China)
出处 《中国农业科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期111-119,共9页 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 山东省重点研发计划项目(2018GNC110037) 山东省现代农业产业体系蔬菜创新团队项目(SDAIT-05-09)资助
关键词 日光温室 番茄 滴灌 氮肥 产量品质 水氮利用率 solar greenhouse tomato drip irrigation nitrogen fertilizer yield and quality water and nitrogen use efficiency
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