

Premier Wen Jiabao's Love for Geology
摘要 七九河开、八九雁来。 又是一个冰消雪融春意盎然的三月,全中国都将关注的目光投向北京、聚焦人民大会堂,专注地倾听着北京的“心跳”。 共和国五年一次的换届大会,关乎国家和民族的前途,历来备受瞩目。高高的穹顶上巨大的金色吊灯,将人民大会堂三楼的中央大厅映射得金碧辉煌。在这个金色的大厅里,灿灿的金橘,火红的杜鹃,绿色的叶兰和天冬,同800余名中外记者一起,迎来了中华人民共和国第六任总理——温家宝,迎来了黄菊、吴仪、曾培炎、回良玉四位新任副总理。闪光灯爆亮耀眼,身着深色西服、脖系紫红色领带的温家宝,平和微笑着向大家挥手致意。 “感谢人民对我的信任。我是一个很普通的人。我出生在农村的一个教育世家……”一段充满感情的自述,拉开了共和国新任总理温家宝与中外记者见面会的序幕和施政演说。 When meeting with Chinese and foreign correspondents after winning overwhelming endorsement for the appointment as premier in the 10th National People's Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao's opening remarks,' I would like to take the opportunity to say a few words to the people across the county and thank you for the great trust you place on me. I am a very ordinary person. I come from a family of teachers in the countryside.' Premier Wen Jiabao was born in a mean alley in Tianjin. It is at the early stage of New China when he was in middle school that the first generation leaders led by Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai had attached a great importance to the geological work. Influenced by earnestly instructs of the leaders on geological work and his father's love for geology, he made a choice to contribute himself to the cause of geology. Enrolled in Beijing Institute of Geology, he studied geological surveying and mineral prospecting. After graduating with a master's degree in structural geology, he went to the remote Gansu Province in Northeast China, where he had worked there for 14 years, had travelled the mountain ranges of Northwest China, had led a humble life as a technician, and then was rose to deputy director of the provincial geological bureau. From 1982 to 1985 , Premier Wen had worked in the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources as a section head, and then a vice-minister. 'In fully 25 years' geological study and work, I had led a life in a very hard and odious environment. With the experience, I deeply feel the bitters of life, and also the difficulties of our country's development.' Premier Wen said in a public speech.
作者 陈廷一
出处 《国土资源》 2003年第6期6-12,共7页 Land & Resources
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