
硬膜外分娩镇痛对剖宫产率及器械助产率的影响 被引量:1

Epidural labor analgesia effect on the rate of cesarean section and Instrument midwifery
摘要 目的:观察研究硬膜外分娩镇痛对剖宫产率及器械助产率的影响。方法:选取我院2013年1月至2014年12月住院待产的足月单胎初产具备阴道分娩条件的孕妇,按照患者自愿的原则分为两组。观察组宫口开大3cm时行硬膜外分娩镇痛,对照组常规分娩,不行分娩镇痛。结果:观察组剖宫产率为15.3%,其中社会因素剖宫产率为4.20%,对照组剖宫产率为39.9%,其中社会因素剖宫产率为27.3%,;两组间比较差异有统计学意义(<0.05)。观察组产后2小时出血量少于对照组(<0.05)。观察组器械助产率高于对照组(<0.05)。两组新生儿窒息率、新生儿体重比较差异无统计学意义(>0.05)。结论:硬膜外分娩镇痛可降低社会因素和医学指征剖宫产率,增加自然分娩率,增加器械助产率,但可减少产后2小时出血量,不增加新生儿窒息率。 Objective:to observe the epidural labor analgesia and instruments for cesarean delivery rate the influence of the rate of midwifery.Selection Methods:from January 2013 to December 2014 in the hospital for the delivery term of singletons first-timer pregnant women with vaginal delivery conditions, according to the principle of voluntary patients into two groups.Observation group palace mouth up 3 cm: epidural labor analgesia, the control group conventional delivery, no labor analgesia.Results: observation group cesarean delivery rate was 15.3%,in which social factors cesarean delivery rate was 4.20%,the control group the cesarean delivery rate was 39.9%,in which social factors cesarean delivery rate was 27.3%;Comparison between the two groups was statistically significant difference( <0.05).Observation group 2 hours of postpartum haemorrhage amount is less than the control group( <0.05).Observation group equipment midwifery rate is higher than the control group( <0.05).The rate of neonatal asphyxia, neonatal weight compare similar between the two groups has no statistical significance( >0.05).Conclusion:epidural labor analgesia can reduce social factors and medical indications of cesarean section rate, increase the natural births, increase the rate of instrument midwifery, but can reduce the bleeding, postpartum 2 hours does not increase the rate of neonatal asphyxia.
出处 《农垦医学》 2014年第6期504-506,共3页 Journal of Nongken Medicine
关键词 分娩镇痛 剖宫产率 器械助产率 新生儿窒息率 Labor analgesia Cesarean delivery rate Instrument midwifery rate Neonatal asphyxia rate
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