景观破碎化是目前存在的一种普遍现象 ,是由于人为因素或其它非人为因素的干扰所导致的景观破碎分离并由简单趋向复杂的过程。它直接或间接影响着景观的结构、功能及其动态。本文首先简要介绍景观破碎化的成因和不同研究角度与水平上景观破碎化影响的表现 ;然后着重分析景观破碎化对植物种群的大小和灭绝速率、扩散和迁入、遗传和变异以及存活力等的影响 ;同时归纳现阶段研究景观破碎化对植物种群影响的主要方法和模型 ;最后提出目前景观破碎化对植物种群影响研究中存在的三个主要问题 :缺乏原始的资料、成熟的模型和破碎化与其他因素 ,如污染、气候变化等 。
Landscape fragmentation, a widespread phenomenon, was considered as a process in which the landscape not only break and disjoint each other but also change from simple to complex under the disturbance of anthropogenetic or other factors. The occurrence of landscape fragmentation directly or indirectly influences the structure, function and dynamics of landscape. The reasons that cause landscape fragmentation and the different embodiments that landscape fragmentation were studied with different directions and levels. Then, the effects of landscape fragmentation on plant populations discussed. Generally speaking, landscape fragmentation influences plant populations in terms of the size, extinction rate, dispersal, immigration, heredity, variation and population survival. On study methods, we sum up the methods and models that had been widely used in the field. There were three key problems existing in the current study of this field. Those are the absence of original material, good models, and the identification of interaction between fragmentation and other disturbance, such as pollution and climatic change that have a similar effect on plant populations.
Chinese Journal of Ecology
国家自然科学基金项目 (3 0 0 70 13 4)
国家自然科学基金重点项目 (3 983 0 3 10 )