The compatibility of a nine-point difference scheme is studied in this paper.Based on this result, a new nine-point difference scheme is suggested for the nu-merical solution of nonlinear diffusion equation. The new scheme keeps the same advantages of the original one, i.e., simple in computation and easy to be imple-mented. Furthermore, the new scheme is more accurate than the original one if the mesh is non-smooth and high skewed, which is most important for Lagrange method in computational fluid dynamics.
The compatibility of a nine-point difference scheme is studied in this paper. Based on this result, a new nine-point difference scheme is suggested for the numerical solution of nonlinear diffusion equation. The new scheme keeps the same advantages of the original one, i.e., simple in computation and easy to be implemented. Furthermore, the new scheme is more accurate than the original one if the mesh is non-smooth and high skewed, which is most important for Lagrange method in computational fluid dynamics.
Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications