给出了基于业务总线的软件体系结构模型及二次回溯算法而实现的精英考试系统的设计与技术路线, 并对考试系统的实现原则、功能目标、系统布局、辅助功能及相关设计与实现问题进行了较全面的说明. 重点讨论了系统的体系结构设计、实现方法、接口设计, 并给出了二次回朔算法的具体实现思想, 以柜图的方式给出了具体的回朔过程.
Through the research and analysis of the computer examination, new software architecture-BusinessBus and Twice Backtrace used in 'JingYing' computer examination system are put forward, and the realizationprinciple, function target, system layout and accessorial function of the system are elaborated. Great importanceis attatched to the software structure design realization method and interface design. The diagram is used toshow the principle and process of Twice Backtrace.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)