矿山灾害学主要研究矿山灾害成因动力学、矿山灾害运动学、矿山灾害预测学和矿山灾害防治对策学等 4个内容 ,其研究模型可分为工程技术研究、技术科学研究和基础科学研究三大层次 ,具有学科交叉与综合、生态环境、社会参与、安全教育和工程科学研究五大特征 ,研究方法须以科学的系统论思想为指导 ,采用逻辑辩证与历史唯物相统一法 ,既从微观上研究单一矿山灾种事故的防治技术与方法 ,又从宏观上以不同学科、不同层次、不同方位切入 ,对矿山灾害进行系统的通盘研究 ,与此同时 ,还必须大力开展多层次、多领域、多方位的国际协作与研究。因此 ,矿山灾害学的研究与发展 ,不但拓宽了矿山灾害科学研究的领域 ,而且对现代“灾害学”
The main study field of mine disaster science includes four contents, the mine disaster dynamics, the mine disaster kinematics, the mine disaster prediction and the mine disaster countermeasure. Its study model could be divided into three administrative levels, the engineering technology, technology science and basic science, which possess the characteristics of borderline science, ecological environment, the social participation, safety education and the engineering science study. The method of study should be dominated by the system theory and unified logically and historically. At the time of studying the control technology of individual mine, the mine disaster should also be studied from different disciplines, levels and directions. At the same time, multi-level, multi-area, and multi-directional international cooperation is also necessary. Therefore the study and development of the mine disaster science are of great importance in building modern disaster science and broadening the science domain.
China Safety Science Journal