雅绿 2号丝瓜是以从广东地方品种雅岗丝瓜中经多代筛选出的优良自交系雅 5 1 2 3 0为母本 ,用春丝瓜材料S 8的多代自交后代S8 1 2 10 10 10作父本配制成的一代杂种。该品种早熟 ,以主蔓结果为主 ,第 1雌花节位第 8.6节 ,果实长棒形 ,长 5 4.5 1cm ,横径 4.8cm ,单瓜质量 0 .36kg ,果色绿 ,棱墨绿 ,沟浅 ,瓜条匀称 ,味清甜。适宜广东省春、秋种植 ,一般每 6 6 7m2 产量 2 0 0 0~ 2 5 0 0kg。
Angular sponge gourd Yalu No.2 is a new early F 1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line Ya 5-1-2-3-0 and S8,and is high rate of fruit-setting. The number of nodes under the first female flower is 8.6. The fruit is long cylindrical,54.51cm in length,4.8cm in diameter,green in colour,sweet in taste,average fruit weight is 0.36kg. It yields 30-37.5t·hm -2,and is suitable for cultivation in south China in spring and autumn.
China Vegetables