主要分析了二段生物接触氧化法处理机理及其主要工艺参数设计 ;列举了其在处理生活污水中的应用 ,并将该法与普通活性污泥法处理情况作比较。二段生物接触氧化法处理效果稳定 ,体积负荷高 ,处理时间短 ,占地面积小 ,运行操作管理简便 ,特别适用于厂矿企业及小城镇的生活污水处理。对生活污水而言 ,CODCr去除率可达 80 % ,BOD5去除率可达 85 % ,水力停留时间只需 0 5~ 1h。
This paper analyses the wastewater treatment's mechanism of two-stage biological contact oxidation process and the design for its main process parameters.Also an example of its application to domestic sewage treatment is given and the comparision of treatment situations with normal activated sludge process is made.The two-stage biological contact oxidation process has a steady treatment effect,high volume loading and short retention hours.It needs a smaller area and is easy to operate run and manage.Therefore it is specially suitable for domestic sewage treatment in factories,mines and small towns.As for domestic sewage treatment the removal rates of COD Cr and BOD 5 can be up to 80% and 85% respectively,but hydraulic retention time is only 0.5~1.0h.
Environmental Engineering