目的 :初步了解龙街乡小兽类哺乳动物分布及蠕虫寄生情况。方法 :鼠笼、鼠夹或投药捕获小兽分类鉴定 ,解剖检查蠕虫寄生情况。结果 :共捕获小兽475只 ,小兽以黄胸鼠为优势种(44 84 %) ,蠕虫总感染率为53 89 %。结论 :该乡小兽蠕虫感染普遍。
Objective:To explore the distribution of small mammals and the prevalence of helminth.Methods:Small mammals were captured by mouse-trap or drugs,clssification and determination,then infection of helminth was examined.Result:Altogethe 475 small mammals were captured.The dominant species was R,flavipectus,its constituent ratio was 44.80%.The prevalence of helminth was 53.89%.Conclusions:The investigation results showes that small mammals infected with helminth was generalization.Strengthen hygieniceducation so that reduce prevalence of helminth in population.