目的 :探讨产科子宫切除的发生原因及降低产科子宫切除发生率的办法。方法 :对我院近10a作产科子宫切除术病例进行回顾性分析。结果 :我院产科子宫切除发生率为0 17 % ,产科子宫切除主要原因为子宫收缩乏力 ,胎盘因素 ,剖宫产术后产科子宫切除术多于阴道分娩后。结论 :做好计划生育 ,减少妊娠及刮宫次数 ,正确掌握剖宫产指针 ,可以降低产科子宫切除术发生率。
Objective:To study the ways for decreasing the incidence of obstetric hysterectomy.Methods:To make a retrospective analysis on the obstetrical hysterectomy cases in the past ten years.Results:The incidence of obstetrical hysterectomy was about 0 17%.The main indications of obstetrical hysterectomy were placenta factors and uterine inertia.The hysterectomy aftre cesaren operation was more than after vaginal delivery.Conclusion:In order to reduce the incidence of obstetrical hysterectomy,It is necessary to improve pregnant monitoring,to advocate family planning,and to master the indication of cesarean section appropriately.