目的 :探讨尿毒症患者的心血管损害。方法 :对64例尿毒症患者的血压、胸片、心电图、超声心动图和心功能等检查结果进行分析。结果 :高血压55例(86 %) ,胸片示心脏扩大32例(50 %) ,显著心电图异常43例(67 %) ,超声心动图示心脏扩大34例(53 %) ,伴有心衰者12例(18 %)。结论 :尿毒症患者心血管并发症发病率高 ,应积极防治。
Obiective:To investigate cardiovascular injure of the patients with uremia.Methods:To analyze the outcomes of the blood pressure,thoracic cavity X-ray,ECG,ultrasonic cardiogram,cardiac functions and so on of 64 cases of patients with uremia.Results:Of them,55 cases had hypertension (86%);32 cases accompanied heart amplification that displayed by thoracic cavity X-ray (50%);43 cases took marked abnormal ECG's outcomes (67%);34 cases had heart amplification that displayed by ultrasonic cardiogram (53%) and 12 cases accompanied heart failure (18%).Conclusions:The cardiovascular complications'incidence of the patients with uremia is high.They should be prevented.