
非接触式叶片振测系统的叶尖定时传感器的研究 被引量:6

Research on Tip-timing Sensor for Non-contact Measurement of Blade Vibration in Rotating Turbo-machinery
摘要 介绍了一种新型的叶尖定时传感器 ,传感器采用Y型耦合光纤与自聚焦透镜相结合 ,实现聚光照明及叶尖散射光的高效收集 ,大大提高了检测灵敏度。光源采用 4 5mW的半导体激光器 ,光电接收元件采用雪崩式光电二极管。传感器具有体积小、结构简单、成本低、安装和调节方便、测量精度高等优点。实验表明 ,该传感器对信号有良好的接收能力 ,满足涡轮机叶片高速、实时检测的要求 。 A new type of tip timing sensor is described. The conglomeration of the light and the high efficiency collection of the light dispersed can be realized by means of Y type coupling optic fiber and self focusing lens, with the result that the sensitivity of detection is greatly improved. In addition, using a 45 mW semiconductor laser as lamp house and an avalanche photodiode as optic electronic receiver, the sensor has many advantages of small and simple structure, high measuring precision , easy adjustment and installation and low cost. The simulation experiment shows that the sensor does well in receiving signal, and is suitable for high speed and real time detection of turbo machinery blade. It can provide stable and credibility signal for subsequent disposing circuit.
出处 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期119-121,共3页 Acta Metrologica Sinica
关键词 计量学 振动测量 Y型光纤 自聚焦透镜 叶尖定时传感器 非接触式叶片振测系统 Metrology Measurement of vibration Y type coupling optic fiber Self focusing lens Tip timing sensor
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