在物理化学的教学与研究中 ,复杂的封闭体系热力学函数之间的关系一直是学习基础热力学的一个难题 ,本文在总结了大量应用实例的基础上 ,归纳出适合各种封闭体系热力学函数之间的经验规则——四方形规则。有利于封闭体系热力学函数关系式的记忆、应用与推导。
In physical chemistry study and teaching, the complicated relationship among thermod ynamic functions in the closed system is a common problem. On the basis of a number of experienced examples, we produced an experienced rule which suits all sorts of relationships among the thermodynamic functions,and named the square rule. It is very easy to remember, apply, and induce the relationship among the thermodynamic functions in the closed system.
Journal of Jinzhou Normal College (Natural Science Edition)