以玉米芯颗粒吸附桔青霉 (Penicilliumcitrirum )孢子 ,再用 1.5 %的海藻酸钠包埋吸附固定化细胞玉米芯颗粒 ,于摇瓶中进行分批培养。实验结果表明 :在固定化细胞产酶的条件下 ,培养基中淀粉水解糖浓度为 9g/L ,蛋白胨浓度为 1g/L ,摇瓶转速为 180r/min ,产酶发酵周期为 5 0h ,发酵液中核酸P1的活力高达 5 0 3U/mL。双载体固定化细胞经 30批次连续重复发酵产酶稳定在较高水平 ,固定化细胞粒子机械强度高。
Mycelia of \%Penicillium citrinum\% were absorbed with stone of maize and then wrapped up with 1.5% sodium alginate. The nuclease P\-1 produced by the immobilized cells were studied in shaking flasks. The experiment shows that the shaking speed is 180 r/min,the glucose and peptone contents in medium are 9 g/L and 1 g/L, respectly. After 50 h culture, the nuclease P\-1 activity reached 510 U/mL.In repeated batch culture, the immobilized cells kept the high capacity and machinery strength after 30 batches.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology