选用 6个玉米自交系 ,配制完全双列杂交组合进行幼胚培养 ,测定胚性愈伤组织诱导率作为评价指标 ,用 Hay-m an双列杂交分析法和 Griffing配合力分析方法 1进行遗传分析。结果表明 ,胚性愈伤组织诱导率在基因型间差异显著 ,其性状遗传为加性 -显性模型 ,加性变异占 94 .4 1% ,显性变异仅占 5 .5 9% ,显性变异表现为部分显性 ;该性状遗传力高 ,表现为受主效 -微效多基因控制的质量 -数量性状 ,且一般增效基因为隐性 ;正反交效应在部分亲本中表现显著 ;玉米高胚性愈伤组织诱导率自交系 18(红 )和 18(白 )不仅产量配合力高、抗病性强、自身产量和其他农艺性状表现好 ,而且胚性愈伤组织诱导率这一性状的一般配合力高、特殊配合力方差小 。
A set of 6×6 complete diallel crosses was produced and their immature embryo was cultured.. With Hayman's and Griffing's methods, the induction percentage of the embryogenic callus was analyzed genetically. Results showed that the induction percentages significantly differed among the genotypes. The inductivity might be a qualitative quantitative character and the increasing effect alleles for inductivity were recessive in general. Additive dominance model was adequate to the inductivity, which consisted of 94 41% additive variation and 5 59% dominance variation. There were heritability and highly significant difference between reciprocal crosses for Zong 31. The lines 18(bai) and 18(hong) were the most desired inbreeds for the embryo culture,which had good inductivity, high GCA and low variance of SCA.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
四川省农业生物技术攻关课题 ( 0 1NG0 18-0 1)