
高速柴油机动力及排放性能与运行参数之间的共性规律 被引量:1

General Trends of Power Performance,Emissions and Operating Parameters for High Speed Diesel Engines
摘要 为给新品发动机性能概念设计阶段的参数定义提供优化方向,基于先进发动机性能对标技术,对4台车用高速柴油机稳态工况下的运行参数、性能参数以及排放水平进行了全面的检测.通过对实测数据的二次开发与分析,提炼出影响柴油机动力性的进气参数K和影响柴油机源排放的缸内稀释参数L.结果表明:进气参数K与动力性指标的关系,以及缸内稀释参数L与源排放的关系在不同柴油机及同一柴油机不同工况之间有着良好的共性规律.应用分析结果,可针对新品柴油机开发需求,确定各工况下主要运行参数的取值范围. To study the general trends of power performance,emissions and operating parameters for a new engine in the conceptual design stage,the operating parameters,performance parameters along with raw emissions under steady state operation conditions of four high speed diesel engines were tested using the advanced engine performance benchmarking techniques. The intake parameter K which controls power performance and the in-cylinder dilution parameter L which influences raw emissions of diesel engines were derived based on systematical analysis to the experimental data. Results demonstrate good correlation between power performance indexes and intake parameter K,between raw emissions and in-cylinder dilution parameter L,over wide range of operation conditions of the same engine,and even among the different engines. The results of this study can be used to define the ranges of major design and operating parameters in the conceptual design stage,as well as to understand and predict the potential changes of engine performances with changing of one or more operating parameter.
出处 《内燃机学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期223-229,共7页 Transactions of Csice
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)资助项目(2012AA111801 2012AA111703)
关键词 柴油机 运行参数 共性规律 动力性能 排放 diesel engine operational parameters general trends dynamic performance emissions
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