综观三十年来开发的程序设计语言不难发现,至今在计算机领域内占主导地位的仍是当初就已形成的冯·诺依曼程序设计风格的命令型语言,象FORTRAN、COBOL、BASIC、ALGOL 60、Pascal与Ada等都属于这种类型。它们共同的设计思想是以存放初等数据类型值(如整、实、串型等)
With the development of computer application field, the imperative languages become unable to describe well knowledge engeering, DBMS, and distributed software, etc. However, a new programming style, objectoriented programming, and its various languages arise. Anything a program describes is expressed by object, and all objects are organized as an abstract hierarchy. There is a kind of inherited relation among objects. This paper centers on object-oriented programming style, introduces its basic concepts, computing method, language features and concret objectoriented programming languages. We wish it might give the readers a clear impression of the objeot-oriented programming style.
Computer Science